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29 July 2022 Little Current Benjamin Islands Speed boat tour and kayak 10am-4pm

29 July 2022 Little Current Benjamin Islands Speed boat tour and kayak 10am-4pm

22 July 22' Benjamin Island Speed boat tour & double kayak exploration 6 hours


PRICE:  $400 per couple


  • POINT ( PARTICIPANTS MUST PROVIDE THEIR OWN TRANSPORTATION AND MEET AT SPIDER BAY MARINA in Little Current ON Manitoulin Island.) Participants will arrive by 10am at the marina and look for the Keepers of the Wild vehicle where they will be told where to park.  Participants will be sure to hand inn their completed “Release of liability and Assumption of Risk Waivers” prior to departing. We will leave no later then 1030am so be sure to not hold up the group and be there in time with all your paperwork in organized, signed and ready to go. Other participants are counting on you to not hold up their adventure. If you are late contact us via phone 705-929-5121 and depending on the situation we will wait for you. (if we cannot wait past 1030 we will depart and the client will lose their opportunity to participate as well as the non refundable booking.


Benjamin Islands BOAT TOUR &  Double Kayak exploration / Swimming Adventure


The price includes :


  • Boat Transportation from Little Current Channel to the scenic area of the Benjamin Islands & North Channel with the back set of the La cloche mountain range.   Boat will take participants to the "Pool Area" between the two islands and stage at the cove with the inflatable kayaks and gear.  Arrival depends on weather and wave activity but usually arrive by 11-1130am


  • Boat will be secured & anchored and participants will off load on the shore to inflate their kayaks and get in the water for a few hours of exotic wilderness exploration, shore walking, photo ops, relaxation, fun and a unique destination day adventure to remember.  Some refreshments and basic snacks will be provided at this time.


  • Participants will spend the day at this breathe taking location and we will pack up boat back to SPIDER BAY MARINA in Little Current and return to the launch point around 330pm to estimated arrival time of 4-430pm


Another fun day Wilderness adventure!


NOTE: Be sure to wear proper footwear for this event.   Sandals or water shoes comfortable & safe for the swimming and water exploration parts and something for walking on shore safely and comfortably.


Bring  bath suit, towel, enough drinking water, lunch, sunscreen, water shoes / swimming shoes, rain gear if needed and a sweater or jacket in case it gets cold or the weather changes. Keep small bag to a minimum we only got so much room and weight for in the boat.


Upon returning to the parking area and ending the event participants will be free to make their way back to Sudbury on their own time.




BOOKING ONLINE PLEASE FILL IN YOUR INFORMATION ACCURATELY INCLUDING NAME, PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL and other information. You must also download the mandatory paperwork off the website (top of the page on the online booking page ).








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